The Secret to Secure Homes : Burglaries and break-ins can happen anywhere, so it’s extremely important that you keep your home safe and protected.
Even though it might be unavoidable at times, there are some things you can do to be more proactive when it comes to creating secure homes.
This helpful guide will show you a few security tips you may have never thought of before so you can have additional security and peace of mind.
Prevent Porch Pirates
With so many people opting for online delivery, it’s no surprise that the number of stolen packages is on the rise. We’ve even seen so many of these videos online that get TikTok views showing package being stolen.
These sneaky burglars are referred to as porch pirates, but it can be extremely frustrating to find out your latest Amazon delivery was stolen. In order to deter porch package theft, considering installing a doorbell or motion camera on the front porch.
Whenever it detects movement, the camera will activate, allowing you to clearly see any activity taking place. Some doorbell cameras allow you to talk through a speaker, which could scare the porch pirate off.
Another option to protect your stuff? Have your online orders delivered to your office instead of your home.
If you live in a large building, request that all packages be delivered to the front desk. This will ensure that only you pick them up and that they’re not sitting there in front of your door all day, enticing criminals.
Secure Homes with Better Garage Security
One of the easiest ways for a thief to enter your home is through the garage. You can prevent this by adding strength to your garage door with a few pieces of lumber attached to the back.
A reinforced garage door is much more difficult to kick open, and it adds a layer of protection against would-be thieves.
You should also never leave your garage door opener sitting visibly inside of your car. Many burglars will see the opener, break into your car, and then use it to break into your garage and home.
Hide your garage door opener and never leave it out in the open to be exposed. If your garage door uses a keypad or code, change it frequently.
Steer clear of using obvious codes such as your house number or a repetitive series of numbers. Ideally, you should change your garage door access code every six months to be on the safe side.
Think of it like you would an Internet password. You can also opt for a new garage door opener that works in sync with your smartphone.
This option will eliminate the need for codes and separate openers completely, minimizing the risk of a break-in.
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Prevent Identity Theft
When you think of secure homes, you might not even consider identity theft as part of the big picture. Today’s savvy thieves are ready and able to steal your private information, wreaking havoc on your life.
To combat identity theft at home, shred all of your important documents once you no longer need them.This simple step can keep thieves from rifling through your trash can and getting access to your personal info.
Another way to prevent identity theft is by using a secure mailbox. These mailboxes allow the postman to insert your mail, and then only you can access it via a key.
Credit card statements typically contain a ton of valuable information for thieves. To prevent this from happening to you, consider opting for paperless billing. Paperless billing eliminates the need for your bills to be mailed, and it’s also eco-friendly.
If your household uses WiFi, make sure you set up a secure network.
Unscrupulous hackers could try to “break-in” to your network and may be able to access your computer and your files remotely.
Don’t Forget the Obvious: Windows and Doors
For those thieves who prefer to do things old school, windows and doors are still the easiest entry point for break-ins.
To combat this problem, you need to consider adding some serious reinforcement to any weak spots around your home. Add a long screw to the door jamb that will make it almost impossible for thieves to breach the door.
Install an extra deadbolt on the front and back door to make it more difficult for criminals to get inside. If you have a patio door, install a heavy-duty stick that fits inside the door track.
Another alternative is to install a security lock that fastens along the bottom of the door. This special lock uses a bolt that fits into a grommet, keeping the patio door nice and secure.
You can use both if you want to feel even more protected against thieves who may try to shimmy or slide the door open.
Check all of your windows and make sure they’re all locking properly. If you’re unsure about your safety, consider having a professional home security audit performed so you can be sure you’re on the right track.
Simple Steps Toward Better Security
In order to have truly secure homes, everyone must do their part to keep thieves out and their belongings in With a few simple updates, you can prevent things like identity and package theft from happening to you.
Reinforce your garage door, windows, and other doors of the home for protection and peace of mind. A security audit can help you discover new ways to secure your home that you may not have thought of before.

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