It’s a wet night, and you’ve called a cab, but the driver is curiously silent. You arrived at the address. Want to pay cash and run away screaming. There’s no driver at the wheel, and This isn’t a horror film, but rather the near future of self-driving cars. So, what’s good and bad about them. Well, let’s see through the eyes of off road wheels.

1. No Traffic Jams
In large cities, there are no traffic jams. When self-driving vehicles take to the roads, traffic congestion will be a thing of the past. This will save many people roughly 40 hours each year. that ‘show much the average metropolitan driver spends in traffic jams. In addition, there will be a 90% reduction in the number of accidents. When you cross the street, you won’t be terrified of someone unexpectedly running a red light.
2. Lesser Crime Rates
In a police chase, criminals will not be able to flee in a self-driving car. They may be followed and stopped from afar. Of course, they could drive a regular car. However, getting their hands on one will be difficult in a world where no one goes such vehicles anymore.
3. The Best Taxi in The World
People in big cities will find that taking a taxi is far less expensive than owning a car. Many taxi businesses anticipate the arrival of self-driving cars on the roads. Taxi waiting time in a city with no traffic delays is approximately 38 seconds. Additionally, the cost of a ride will be reduced. Ordinary cars will become obsolete as a result of such mobility and ease.
4. Fast Delivery
How long do you usually have to wait for your pizza delivery? The typical wait time in major cities is between 40 and 80 minutes. If the pizza is delivered by a self-driving car, the time will be cut in half.
5. Perfect Future
There will be no need for garages and parking lots if the only automobiles and cities are self-driving taxis and public transportation. As a result, the real estate market will expand. All cars will be electric, which will be beneficial to the environment. Assume that there will be no more parking or speeding charges.
6. Long-Distance Delivery
Truck drivers will not have to travel for days or even weeks. In addition, all vehicles used to transport timber will be equipped with an autopilot. This will allow freight to be transported over great distances considerably more quickly.
How Self-Driving Cars Work?
but before considering the weaknesses, let’s first see how a self-driving car works. The working principle of self-driving cars is similar to that of the human body. We have ears, noses, eyes to analyze information and react. And the self-driving car has radar sensors and cameras. They become more reliable with each passing month, if not every day. A few years ago, cars couldn’t stop or notice an object in the rain. But now, they can see and move even during snowfall. It seems that cars will drive around the city perfectly with such abilities. And that’s the main issue these cars drive too perfectly.
A self-driving car drives along a busy street and notices someone standing on the curb. A car’s internal system quickly analyzes the situation and decides that the person will step onto the road. The logical reaction of the computer is to stop and let the pedestrians pass. so the car breaks and creates an emergency on the road. While the person was not going to cross the street at all and just stood there waiting for a friend. To cope with such tasks, developers gave some voice cars and taught them to beat. If the car doesn’t understand what to do, it will sound the horn-like an angry driver would.
Still, there are situations where beeping won’t help. Such as a bird crossing the road before the car.
These cars have several more disadvantages to boot.
1. High Price
a regular self-driving car stuffed with electronics can cost more than conventional premium cars. This won’t be a problem because of the new taxi development though. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
2. Difficulty of Development
in most cases, repairing an average car is not difficult. You can even do it yourself without the help of auto mechanics. But if a self-driving car gets broken, that’s a much bigger problem. Even a minor malfunction can lead to a severe accident. I might add that an experienced driver can drive with a flat tire and a broken headlight for short distances. However, a computer may become confused if abut gets inside one of its radars. Also, the assembly of such machines requires excellent attention to detail.
3. Mass Production
at the very beginning, companies will produce impeccable systems to attract as many customers as possible. But when the product goes into mass production, its quality may decline.
4. Cybercriminals
A fully electronic car could be a real threat to criminals. Adept at messing with computers. Imagine that you get into a self-driving taxi, tell it the address, and the car takes you in a completely different direction, more precisely not the car but a criminal who’s got into its systems.
5. Environmental Issues
Overtime all self-driving cars will switch from gas to electricity. But until then, there will be even more ecological concerns than today. When you arrive at your destination and leave the car, it gets busy searching for parking. If there’s none, the car will drive around the city and give off exhaust fumes until you call it back.
6. Constant Surveillance
In an ordinary car you cant go anywhere without anyone knowing of your location. As soon as you sit in as a self-driving car, it will immediately report to its company servers. Your every movement will be saved; forget about total privacy in a car.
7. Loss of Jobs
Not only drivers but developers of conventional cars may lose their jobs. Large car companies will need to adapt or go bankrupt. Several million workplaces could disappear.
8. Driving Pleasure
many people love to go. The feeling of speed and complete control give absolute pleasure. And few people would want to lose it. Still, there are more advantages to self-driving cars than disadvantages. And these vehicles will completely replace conventional ones in the future. What happens then. How will the progress of Auto Transport develop further? Developers will focus on Entertainment for passengers. The cars will be able to total you the exact time of the trip. Do you need to arrive at noon sharp? Okay, the car can intentionally slow down or increase speed. A self-driving car will turn into a real electronic assistant. You can set up meetings, order food, or choose a movie with voice control.
9. More Spaces and Entertainment
The place where the driver once used to dive the car can be used instead for amine cinema, game console, or amine-fridge. People who like to communicate with the driver will talk with developed artificial intelligence. The machine will create an arriver hologram, and you can change its appearance. Imagine that your chauffeur is some superstar. The AI will also be able to maintain an interesting conversation. Then cars will go away from roads and rise into the air. Just like in sci-fi movies. Flying cars are already in development.
The prototypes are equipped with giant propellers that lift the vehicle into the air. And of course, thousands of new rules for air traffic will be invented. But the coolest thing is that you won’t have to take the driver’s license exams ever again.
10. Ordinary Gas-Powered Cars
Ordinary cars will be challenging to get. They’ll become relics in possession of wealthy people. A simple off-road minivan you use for your commute today will cost more than a million dollars in the future. So, hang on to yours. Such cars might also get banned for good- in an attempt to protect the environment, exhaust fumes might become a punishable offense.
However, driving a car on your own will become an extreme sport, and many people will want to feel it. The knowledge of old auto mechanics will become almost lost. Professionals who know the engine and other insides of the car will earn a lot of money.

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